

Here you can find the instrumental background music for personal or commercial use. For example: videos, YouTube and Vimeo videos, podcasts, presentations, corporate and business videos, for TV and radio commercials, for advertising and marketing videos, promo videos, games and applications, travel and adventure videos, home and family videos and more. Music very good technical and aesthetic quality. Stay tuned as more tracks will be released in the coming weeks and months. 

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Want to save 50% of their funds?

These musical packages you can buy with 50% discount:

If you want more discounts or did not find the right package with the desired tracks, you can write me a mail and I will create for you a package with the necessary tracks for you (the minimum quantity is 5 tracks). My e-mail: Do not hesitate to write to me, I reply quickly within 12 hours.

Special offers! Only for those who see it!

Buy this collection of background music and get a CRAZY DISCOUNT - 65% OFF

Background Music Pack - 65% OFF (14 tracks for only 50$).

Thank you for choosing our musical compositions for your projects!