Acerca de

I'm an amateur photographer.

I discovered this passion for photography, even without any technical knowledge, but I immediately took courses, training and workshops with other professional photographers, who gave me the knowledge I have today.

After photography, I discovered another great passion, illustration.

In illustration, I associate reality with the unreal in a mix of perceptions and feelings, creating new realities and feelings.

I like to observe and recreate what I see!

I like to imagine and recreate my dreams!

I like creating concepts and connecting them with other realities!

I like creating concepts and connecting them with other possibilities!

I like creating concepts and interconnecting them with other possibilities!

Whether photography or illustration, with a more simplistic or more complex language, I live the IMAGE.

  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Google Doc, Sheets & Slides

Stock photo

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Stock vector

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Stock animation

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Live action video

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Animated GIF

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