

Nice to meet you. I am an AI illustrator and photographer who draws mainly landscapes and people. Through my work with beautiful landscapes and vivid colors, I aim to inspire and heal viewers.

My work focuses on expressing the beauty of nature and human emotions. By capturing the solitude, joy, and bonds between people in the landscape, I hope to evoke empathy and memories in the viewer.

I use digital tools and AI technology to create my work. I strive to put a story into each painting by combining intricate detail and unique expressive techniques. I also pay particular attention to the use of color and light. Through my work, I seek to express visual beauty and emotion.

My goal is to recreate beautiful moments and emotions in everyday life through artwork that resonates with people. Through my artwork, I hope that people will rediscover their connection with nature and other people, and enrich their hearts and minds.

I would be very happy if I could bring excitement and joy to your heart through my artwork. Please do not hesitate to contact me!







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Midjourney prompt

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