
I have a Degree Diploma from the Institute of Television and Electronics in Video Editing with courses that included a variety of computer-based classes that focused on the use of computer-aided design software, creating videos, interactive media, video and audio editing procedures. Other courses that helped prepare me for this position include Motion Graphics, Color. My experience includes 15 years implementing and Produce Video Editing, Motion Graphics and Color also I have 10 years teaching Apple Professional Applications and Authorised Trainer from Apple Company. My skills include software, technical, Products and personal being creative and having the ability to use good judgment and make great decisions that will benefit production. It also includes being a great communicator with active listening skills. I also have the ability to stay focused and organised while working in this fast-paced environment, which can often be very stressful due to the tight deadlines.
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Apple Motion
  • Avid

Projetos Apple Motion / Final Cut Pro

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