For this month’s feature, we sent ME Artist, Mirkic, a few standard questions.

We feel his replies say more than we can about him, so we have put them here for you to find out more.

0515-Mirkic_375x400MotionElements: Tell us a bit more about yourself.

Mirko: I’m based in Serbia, ex Yugoslavia. 35 years old, two years doing full time stock for living and before that I was a layout editor and a designer for 10 years in one celeb mag in Serbia, Belgrade. I have three kids, two girls and a boy, a lovely wife, a dog, parrot, rabbit and a house! And awesome collection of debts ????

ME: If you are a company, when were you incorporated?

M: Not a company but I do own my own website that I’m “going to work on seriously” for some time now.

ME: How many employees (including yourself) are there? What position are you?

M: Myself – The CEO.

ME: What are you working on now?

Currently I’m expanding my portfolio to 4K clips, working on a 3000+ files to spread them around cause that’s the near future of stock video and I want to be ready ???? Also, regarding sound effects, I started recording in 1bit dsd format, just to be prepared for what is coming.

ME: What’s the most enjoyable thing about what you do?

Sleeping and earning money while doing it ???? And spending time in nature.

ME: What tickles your creative bone? Who/What is your biggest muse?

Money is my biggest motivator! But I’m must admit, when I started doing stock in 2005, I was thrilled for just creating anything that goes out into the world and some people, somewhere far, far away are looking at or listening to something I created during my coffee break. I find that cool.

ME: When and How did you start of selling stock?

American Express card is the one to blame it on! I received it from my bank in 2004 and I wanted to buy something nice, so I went and bought Canon Eos 30d. Than I bought some lenses, lights, etc. And then I realized that I have to return all that money some day. So I started doing stock, to pay off the debt I made with that card ????

ME: Do you have a favourite piece you made? If so, what is it and why is it your favourite?

Nope! I cannot choose one favourite! Didn’t made it yet ????

MotionElements Stock Footage

ME: If you have a once in a lifetime shoot/recording/project, and you could only grab one piece of equipment to bring with you, which equipment would you bring and why?

Well, I’m doing both so I would bring Panasonic fz1000 for footage and Korg Mr2 for sound. Both are capable of doing much more than their looks are revealing – you look like a stupid tourist with those two… Undercover work, easy and inconspicuous.

ME: Which software would you use to produce it and why?

That would be Wavelab/After Effects. And that’s because I can do whatever you imagine in those two programs!

ME: How would you describe the work that you do/ the work of your artists (if you are a group of artists)?

Not good enough. I’m doing it with 30% of my creative and physical resources! Need to pull my act together ????

For more of Mirko’s work, visit his MotionElements Artist Page, Mirkic.