LNDN Media has been run by Mike Peters and his business partner and fellow composer, Priscila Najar, since they started the company in 2011.

Till date, the company has a portfolio of tracks used by international brands, such as Unilever, Nintendo, Audi, Samsung, Airbus and many others. Mike himself has also produced and written mainstream pop music for numerous well known bands, such as Liberty X, B*witched, Damage and 911.

We asked Mike more to find out a bit more about him and LNDN Media.

MotionElements: Let’s start off with the setting. Where are you located and who else is in the company?

Mike Peters: The company consists of my business partner and myself. We are both composers, although I am also a producer and mix engineer.

We’re based in London, UK. However, I have also lived in Germany and in the US (Los Angeles), so have moved around a bit before settling in London. London to me is one of THE most vibrant places in the world, and I am totally in love with this city.


ME: Tell us more about your education and/or career background. How did you get started in this industry?

MP: I grew up with music. I started having piano lessons at age 10, and started my first band age 14 with my brother. After graduating from University I worked in finance for several years, but gave that up in 2010 to commit to music full time. My focus is on the production of music for TV, advertising, radio and computer games.

ME: What are you working on now?

MP: I’m currently working on a collection of ethnic tracks, with Asian, African and Middle Eastern sounds. I love the organic sounds of the traditional instruments associated with that music, and with todays high quality samplers I can access those sounds from my keyboard (which is cheaper than buying and then recording them myself). These tracks lend themselves to projects related to travel, documentaries, or simply holiday videos on youtube. An example is


ME: What’s the most enjoyable thing about what you do?

MP: Doing what I truly love for a living. Waking up every morning and knowing that I’ll create music!

ME: What is your greatest inspiration?

MP: I’m inspired by visuals. So, for example, I might see a picture I like, and I ask myself ‘if there was a soundtrack accompanying that picture, what would that sound like?’ I create a lot of tracks that way.

ME: When and how did you start of selling stock?

MP: I started in 2013 after researching the stock music industry and simply gave it a shot

ME: Do you have a favourite piece you made? If so, what is it and why is it your favourite?

MP: My current favourite is a track I simply called ‘Inspiring Upbeat’. I love works that turn out having a certain sonic richness and fullness to it as well as what we producers call ‘air’ – that high end sparkle. This track has all of these elements.


ME: If you have a once in a lifetime shoot/recording/project, and you could only grab one piece of equipment to bring with you, which equipment would you bring and why?

MP: My iMac – because everything I need is on there.

ME: How would you describe the work that you do?

MP: We work to produce music for media that is of the highest quality – yet unobtrusive enough to leave the message which it underpins centre stage.

More high quality music can be found on LNDN Media’s MotionElements Artist Page.