We’re thrilled to be announcing the launch of our innovative new service, AudioSearch, which went live on January 11,2016. AudioSearch transforms your stock audio track search experience through the use of “deep learning.” No longer will our clients need to make clunky, inefficient searches for audio that’s “just right” by trying to browse genres or input subjective keywords. Now, you can choose a track that you know from your own library that best represents what you want, drag and drop it on the search field, and receive customized search results from our vast music library.
“Deep learning” is a relatively new artificial intelligence computing technique, which has already been used to great advantage in object and speech recognition as well as language processing. Now, the powerful technology behind this technique has been put to use to recognize and decode audio tracks in order to find those that best match the searcher’s needs. AudioSearch underwent extensive beta testing with over 30,000 participants, to ensure that it would be able do just that. We couldn’t be happier with the results—although that doesn’t mean we won’t keep striving to improve our services!
Perhaps you have a particular musical piece in mind, but the rights to use it aren’t available, so you’re seeking something similar that’s available in a royalty-free version. Instead of trying to define what you’re looking for using mood-oriented adjectives, delving into genres—which are rarely that clear cut and contain a multitude of different track types—why not search directly for what you need? That’s the advantage of AudioSearch.
Celebrating our new service
In celebration of the launch of this new game-changing tool, we’ll be holding a fan appreciation contest via social media. Visit our Facebook page or Twitter profile to participate in the exciting opportunity to win $300 in MotionElements credits. Just “like” or “follow” us and share the official post announcing the launch of AudioSearch. We’ll select three random winners, two weeks after the official launch.
Client-centric innovation is our signature
Serving our clients in new and innovative ways has always been one of our priorities. MotionElements is built on the idea that clients and artists should be able to come together simply and efficiently in a way that benefits both. AudioSearch is another example of our commitment to this concept. Searching for audio tracks can be one of the more time consuming aspects of creating a unique media experience.
While images and even video clips can be scanned quickly, by the page, we realized that effectively searching for the perfect audio required a more precise approach. Not only do we want our clients to find what they’re looking for, we also want the incredible work of our many contributing artists to be found.
Bringing creators together is what we do, and we’ll always be looking for more exciting, innovative, and effective ways to accomplish it.