With Cisco’s prediction that by 2018, 79 per cent of consumer traffic will be video IP and video views standing at 3 billion per day on Facebook alone, it’s clear that the trend in video consumption is set to continue soaring.

The uptake of smartphones and tablets combined with greater connectivity has been a major catalyst for a worldwide explosion in video consumption. Now it is easier than ever to consume media when you want and in the format you want. Visually captivating and shareable, it’s no wonder that online video has leapt into pole position in terms of content preferences.

Keeping up with motion content demand

There is no doubt that this upward trajectory of video content consumption is being exploited by big brands and small businesses alike, to get their messages and content to their target audiences. Keeping up with demand is an on-going challenge. But how do you tap into that ever growing audience without breaking the bank or compromising on quality? Top-notch motion animation and footage does (and should) take time, skill and expertise that are not at everyone’s fingertips. Our co-founders, Mark Sun and Joanne Chua knew this problem all too well. Having a production house as a sister company, we recognized the difficulty in sourcing high quality stock elements and how time-sapping motion graphics creation was without such a resource.

At MotionElements, we understand what creatives need and have worked to continuously evolve our platform to make our marketplace user-friendly and with a more comprehensive catalogue of elements. Users can browse through the vast catalogue of carefully curated, royalty free footage and animations through to After Effects templates, animation templates, 3D and 4D modelling tools. Since last year, we’ve even added a stock music channel to MotionElements’ ever-growing resource list.

How we created a video masterpiece in just one afternoon

We wanted to create a video that demonstrated the relevance of video in today’s motion content driven world, so we set about using our own creative in-house team. To get a glimpse of how MotionElements works and the superior quality you can create from this unique platform, take a look at the video we have put together below, all of the Elements are from our platform, including the audio from MotionElements stock music channel:

Step 1- Write the script

Writing the script ourselves was fun and easy- we know our story, our message and the latest trends in our market well, so with our highly creative team; this didn’t take us long at all.

Step 2- Create the video

Exclusively using stock video, animation and music from the MotionElements website, Johnson, our very own talented Creative Director, was able to put together a very polished production in just a few hours. Here he is, working away with his thinking hat on for inspiration!





Step 3- Make your voice heard!

Being a global brand is great, but it does mean a little extra work to make sure none of our audiences miss out. We started with English voice-over talent, Julie Wee, and then re-created the production for our non-English speaking audiences. Our partners at G-angle helped us reproduce the voice and video content for the Japanese market:




As you can see, the whole process was quick, simple and fun. We want to take some of the legwork out of producing high quality video so that you can concentrate on getting the right messages to the right audience and with the right frequency. In an increasingly content-saturated world, getting your voice heard has never been more important, but we can help make it less challenging. “Take a break, let ME work for you.”