Sell your Presentation templates

Start earning with your Presentation templates. Upload your content now and get it sold to millions of our users.

Types of Presentation templates accepted

Create what inspires you and share with our vast community. We welcome all Presentation templates made with PowerPoint, Keynote. See examples below.

  • Geschäftlich
  • Education
  • Pitch
  • Marketing
  • Medical
  • Startup
  • Design materials
  • Other

Benefits of being a contributor

Effortless sales

Once you’ve uploaded your content, you can sit back, relax, and wait for the revenue to stream in.

High profit share

Get 50% profit share on every product sold, and 70% for exclusive products.

Global audience

Get exposure to thousands of creators from around the world visiting our site every day.


File extensions

.key, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx, .potx, .kth


Up to 4GB

Accepted apps

PowerPoint, Keynote


3 easy steps to start contributing

Sign up as a Contributor

Add at least 1 product

Start earning

Discover more

There are even more media types we accept. You can go for as many as you can create.

Graphic templates

Pre-designed layouts and blueprints for diverse creative projects

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Notion templates

Convenient templates for higher productivity and better organizing

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UI templates

Mockups and layouts for website and mobile interfaces

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Image prompts

Transform concepts into stunning visuals with diverse AI image prompts.

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