Motion Graphics template

Hidden Slide Urban text

Alapértelmezett zene
Nem tartalmazza


Motion Graphics template
Szükséges szoftver
Premiere Pro (vagy annál újabb)
Required plugins
Fájl méret
231.5 MB
Nem tartalmazza
Sound effects
Nem tartalmazza
Stock footage
Nem tartalmazza


It is an animation pack in which each character appears.


All characters can be changed.


It is a pack of 18 types of horizontal characters and vertical characters.






You can also adjust the position, size, color, line width, and line color.


The position and size can also be changed from the effect control.




For Premiere




1. Select “Graphics”  “Install Motion Graphics Template” from the menu.




2. In the opened "Open" window, specify the folder and file and click "Open".


 * Collect all template files in the Essential Graphics window


You can also install it by dragging and dropping.




3. Installed as a template in the "Essential Graphics" panel.




4. I'm trying to find all by searching with "m"




5. It can be used by dragging and dropping it on the timeline.






The sample song is





If you change the font and a line appears,


Please adjust by the value of "Text Tracking".


Most fonts are supported, but some fonts are rarely supported.


please note that.


Hidden Slide Urban text - 1Hidden Slide Urban text - 2Hidden Slide Urban text - 3Hidden Slide Urban text - 4Hidden Slide Urban text - 5Hidden Slide Urban text - 6Hidden Slide Urban text - 7Hidden Slide Urban text - 8Hidden Slide Urban text - 9



Útmutató videó


US$ 18

Szükséges: Kompatibilitás: Premiere Pro

Plug-in nem szükséges

Útmutató elérhető