Motion Graphics template

General Lower Thirds


Motion Graphics template
Required software
Premiere Pro et supérieur
Required plugins
Taille de Fichier
6.4 MB
Non Inclus
Sound effects
Non Inclus
Stock footage
Non Inclus


This is a Lower Third that can be easily and freely customized and used.
You can set up to 3 texts.
There are 69 mogrt with 23 animations each.

Simple design of a standalone Text and Lower Third combination

Window type with title and body text

Window type with two text for the title and body

Feature 1
Anchor allows you to set the relative position of the text.
Text can also be automatically switched to "Right-justified," "Left-justified," or "Centered".

Feature 2
You can set the size, rounded corners, color, and opacity of the base such as Window and TitleBase.
You can also set the position of the border from the base and the thickness of the line.

Feature 3
Text can be used to change Tracking and LineSpacing as well as
Changing outlines, colors, and
In addition, you can change the color and size of any character in the text by setting the SubText field.

You can also change the color and size of characters in the text by setting the SubText field, and you can change the layout of the text by simply setting a few values.
Translated with (free version)

Images Fixes

General Lower Thirds - 1General Lower Thirds - 2General Lower Thirds - 3




Tutoriel Vidéo


US$ 9

Requis: Compatible avec Premiere Pro

Aucun plugins requis

Tutoriel Disponible